For Wellness: Reinvent Your Health: Small Steps for Big Changes

By team For Wellness: Written by Katie Koschalk, a health and wellness writer, certified holistic nutritionist, and certified personal trainer based in California.

While it may be easier when we're younger, improving your health shouldn't be reserved for people under 35.

In fact, it wasn't until our co-founder Phil Mickelson turned 40 that he started taking his health seriously.

Yup - despite being a professional athlete for decades, it took a debilitating case of psoriatic arthritis to make him confront his health head on and make lasting change.

This health condition could have signaled the end of his career. Being able move without pain was (and we're stating the obvious here) crucial for him to continue playing competitive golf. In the end, Phil held strong, dropping the sodas and fast food to become the oldest major winner in history by winning the 2021 PGA Championship just shy of 51 years old (and then coming T2 at the 2023 Masters!).

Whether you're 21, 51, or 81, the point here is the same: there’s no expiration date on making healthy changes. No matter your age or your fitness level, the choices you make today can significantly impact your well-being in the weeks, months, and years ahead.

Don’t believe us? Read on to see what we mean (with science to back us up).

The Importance of Health at Every Stage In Life

The idea that it’s too late to start making healthier choices is a myth. In fact, taking care of your health becomes increasingly important as you age, and the benefits of doing so can be profound at any stage of life.

One key principle to remember is that prevention is the best treatment. By taking proactive steps to improve your health now, you can reduce your risk of many chronic diseases and conditions associated with aging. This means that the health efforts you make today can pay off significantly in the long run.

It’s also important to recognize that a healthier lifestyle doesn’t require drastic overhauls or extreme measures. Instead, it’s about making small, consistent changes that accumulate over time.

9 Healthy Habits You Can Adopt at Any Age

#1: Start Exercising

If you haven’t laced up your sneakers in a while, consider these studies:

  • Researchers found that adults between the ages of 40 and 61 who increased their physical activity to around seven hours per week reduced their risk of mortality by 35 percent compared to those who remained inactive.
  • A study in adults 40 and older found that taking 8,000 steps or more per day, compared to only taking 4,000 steps, was associated with a 51% lower risk of death from all causes.

At least part of this improvement in longevity is likely due to the positive effects of exercise on heart health. Another study revealed that previously inactive individuals aged 45 to 64 who started exercising for at least 30 minutes four to five days a week experienced enhanced oxygen uptake and decreased cardiac stiffness (both of which improve heart health).

Muscle mass could also contribute. Research in adults older than 55 suggested that muscle mass was a better predictor of longevity than weight or body mass index (BMI).

#2: Up Your Fiber Intake

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. Unlike other carbs that are broken down into sugar molecules, fiber passes through the body undigested. It promotes the movement of material through the digestive system and increases stool bulk, helping to prevent constipation. It may also help manage weight and heart health.

A 2020 report discovered that adopting a healthier diet in middle age, which included increasing intake of fiber-rich foods like nuts, whole grains, and produce, reduced women’s long-term risk of stroke by up to 25 percent and ischemic stroke risk by up to 36 percent.

#3: Strengthen Your Bones

Losing bone mass is a natural part of aging, but you can take steps to counteract this process. In one study, healthy middle-aged men with low bone mass significantly improved their bone density after just six months of jumping and muscle-strengthening exercises.

How does this work? Because muscles are attached to bones, building muscle also strengthens bones. The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) says that daily weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises are crucial for bone health (along with getting enough calcium and vitamin D).

#4: Prioritize Your Mental Health

No matter what you’ve been through in life, it’s never too late to work on your psychological well-being. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and taking steps to improve it can profoundly affect your overall quality of life, regardless of your age.

One practice to consider is meditation. Evidence suggests that meditation reduces stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, feelings of loneliness and social exclusion, and cardiovascular risk factors in older adults.

Other research shows that older adults respond well to psychological therapy, sometimes even better than working-age adults.

😌Don’t miss these stress-fighting, mood-boosting foods, too!

#5: Add Coffee to Your Routine

Many people already drink coffee daily, but if you don’t, you may want to consider adding this brew to your routine. More than just a morning pick-me-up, coffee can offer the following benefits:

☕️Supercharge your morning cup with our Organic Antioxidant Coffee and The Good Stuff™ Performance or The Good Stuff™ Focus coffee supplement.

#6: Choose *One* Bad Habit And Eliminate It

Changing your whole diet is unsustainable in the long run, because you will spend so much time craving your favorites foods and struggling to get into a new routine that you'll soon enough quit.

Instead, think of one of your most common guilty pleasures and start by removing that from your diet.

If you're a chocoholic, why not start there? Sub in Superfood Bites™ Focus so you still get your chocolatey fix, but without all the unhealthy bits.

Other elements to consider are excess creamer, sweeteners, butter, or bread.

#7: Reduce or Eliminate Alcohol

The same goes for alcohol — it’s never too late to cut back or quit, regardless of how many years you’ve been consuming alcohol or the damage it’s caused. In fact, research shows that quitting alcohol can help reduce complications in people with liver cirrhosis (even advanced disease) and help them live longer.

The benefits of nixing booze can include:

  • Improved liver health
  • Better mental health
  • Enhanced sleep quality
  • Weight management
  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers

#8: Challenge Your Brain

Keeping your brain active and engaged is vital for maintaining cognitive function and mental sharpness as you age. And research proves it’s never too late.

In a 2020 study, researchers found that people aged 58 to 86 who took three to five classes concurrently on subjects like Spanish, photography, and how to use an iPad significantly improved their cognitive abilities. Remarkably, midway through the study, these individuals had bolstered their cognitive abilities to levels similar to those of adults 30 years younger.

Another study showed that people aged 50 to 93 who regularly engaged in mentally stimulating games exhibited superior problem-solving skills and short-term memory compared to those who did not. Their brain function was equivalent to that of individuals up to 10 years younger.

Find ways to challenge your brain that you enjoy, whether it’s doing puzzles, learning a new language, reading books, staying socially engaged, or practicing meditation.

#9: Dial in Your Diet

The food you eat plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall health, and fortunately, research shows that adopting a healthier diet at any age can extend your life. Focusing on nutrient-dense foods can enhance your energy levels, support bodily functions, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, reduce symptoms of existing diseases, and, in some cases, send food-induced diseases like type 2 diabetes into remission.

Some practical tips for adopting a healthier diet include:

  • Incorporate more whole foods: Prioritize whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. These foods are rich in essential nutrients and help maintain optimal health.
  • Limit processed foods: Reduce your intake of processed foods, which often contain high levels of sugar, unhealthy fats, and sodium.
  • Balance your plate: Aim to fill half your plate with vegetables, a quarter with lean protein, and a quarter with whole grains. Fresh fruit makes a great dessert.
  • Add in superfoods: Superfoods are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health. Blueberries, for instance, are one of the most antioxidant-rich foods on the planet. That’s why we chose to use VitaBlue®, a 100% pure blueberry extract, in our Recovery Gummies™ Hydration.

The Best Time to Start Investing in Your Health Is Now

Whether you’re tweaking your diet, ramping up your exercise routine, or finding new ways to challenge your brain, every small step can significantly improve your overall well-being. Embrace the journey of better health, celebrate your progress, and inspire those around you to do the same.